Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ashley Alexandra Dupre Needs To Pay Not Be Paid

Ashley Alexandra Dupre a.k.a Ashley Youman, her name will go down in history as the women who brought New York Governor Eliot Spitzer to his tragic end. Word has it that by the end of the week this 22 year old will be a millionaire. Dupré has posted two songs on the new music-discovery site Amie Street obviously this young women is out to capitalize on all the news surrounding this scandal.

I have to wonder what type of message this is sending to young women? You can become a high class prostitute, get caught, not get in in trouble, become famous and make a couple of million dollars for your efforts.

If Ms. Ashley had an ounce of moral dignity she would denounce what she has done and appear sorry for her choice of profession not for her sake but for the millions of young women who are watching how this whole story unfolds.

Ashley should be given a new wardrobe for all her efforts, a bright orange jumpsuit with the designer label "property of the state of New York" that she can wear while paying her debt to society for the crimes she committed..


Anonymous said...

She deserves to earn a lot of money and become a huge star, deal with it.This is America, the land of opportunity :)

Conservative Women Speak said...

You are right Anonymous,this is America and in our country we have laws. Prostitution is illegal so both Spitzer and Dupre/Youman should have to accept the full consequences of their actions. Especially since this is such a high profile case and the entire world is watching the outcome.