Maybe we could ask Charlie Gibson, Katie Couric or Brian Williams, after all they are the three anchor people or "journalists" that were chosen to cover Obama's Middle East trip. Wow, talk about soft, liberal journalism, images of little kittens and butterflies come to my mind when I think of how these "journalists" will cover Obama's trip. The American people will not get the full story, as usual we will get only the liberal slanted version but hey at least it will be perky. I can read the headlines now, "The People Of The Middle East Fall At Obama's feet", "Obama Finds Iraq On The Map, He Is A Foreign Policy Expert", "Hamas and Hezbollah Have A Picnic With Obama", " Ahmadinejad Adds Obama As His MySpace Friend". Ok, I know I am stretching it a little but the coverage and success of Obama's trip will be much like his Presidential credentials, EXTREMELY exaggerated.
John McCain was in the Middle East recently and the three major networks hardly gave his trip a mention. Odd how McCains trip was backpage news and Obama's trip to the Middle East is being played up like the Second Coming Of Christ. The mainstream media has no limits to its biased liberal reporting. The American people need to wake up and realize that the news media is altering reality, it is reminiscent of Communist State sponsored TV, you are only told what "they" want you to know. The best way to fight back its to turn off ABC, NBC & CBS, do not watch their news or any of their shows. Maybe if their ratings drop even lower than they already are, they will start listening to what the American people want instead of shoving their liberal agendas down our throats...
I am laughing out loud over your excellent description of the "obamain our face - world tour 08"! Kudo's for an excellent post and greetings from "the road" - you will be pleased to know that there are many people who agree with you - What I wonder is how much theraphy the major news anchors will need in November should their "annointed one" or as Al Jezzera calls him "faithful one", lose? This has been dubbed by some anylists as the last year the mainstream media will have any impact at all on the electoral process, perhpas in their zeal to finally elect a Progressive (communist) to the oval office, they will underestimate the intelligence of the "masses" - shove anything down someone's throat enough, and they will get sick of it.
@tina, right on!!!
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